New Menopause Treatment Guidelines–We’ve Got Good news!
3 minute read

There’s been a big update in how we can treat menopause symptoms.
The Menopause Society has updated its guidelines. The Menopause Society is the gold standard in menopause treatment, their recommendations are evidence-based, and we follow their protocols when it comes to making treatment decisions.
Under the new guidelines, we are able to safely treat even more women experiencing symptoms. Here’s the short version of what’s changed:
A family history of breast cancer no longer rules you out for Menopausal Hormone Treatment (MHT).
If you are a carrier for BRACA1/2 but have had an oophorectomy and/or bilateral mastectomy, you will not be disqualified from taking MHT.
A previous benign breast biopsy is no longer a disqualifier.
There is no longer a limit on the number of years you can take MHT.
If you are over 60, healthy, and want to start or restart MHT, you can now be prescribed.
Everyone can now use vaginal estrogen no matter your age.
This is all amazing news. Time to happy dance!
If any of these changes apply to you, please retake our medical assessment.
We’re excited to be able to help you feel your best!
The 2022 Hormone Therapy Position Statement of the North American Menopause Society. Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society,
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